Using Mania: Don’t Freak Out

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I am learning  to not freak out when I am manic or hypomanic.  I need to take on the responsibility myself and can’t rely on doctors, medications, and the hospitals. I am not saying to I don’t see doctors, take meds, or sometimes end up in hospitals.  I am just saying they don’t always work.

This is not something I have just figured out,  but something I need to start remembering.  I should use my manic energy, but be smart about it.

Blogs I have written in the past that I need to remember and use to heed my own advice:

8 Tips If You Feel like You are getting Manic

Beware I am Manic

When Using Your Manic Energy Can Go Too Far

Helpful Things You Can Do When you are Manic

I need to pace myself and remember all the things I need to do when I am manic.  I am really bad about knowing things that work and not doing them. This includes depression. I spend months depressed so severe that I don’t leave the house or even bed many days.  I can’t or more likely don’t use the techniques I have written about. It is an unhealthy choice I am making and I need to get off this roller coaster.  I so have a choice more than I think I do during the difficult times. It is just hard to push myself to do them.  No more excuses!

Going back to not freaking out when I manic,  I need to do all the things that I would be doing in the hospital at home and follow my action plan to the tee.  I will be all right and I will get through this.

One thought on “Using Mania: Don’t Freak Out

  1. Pingback: Living with Someone Who Has Bipolar Disorder and Learning as You Go: How to Support Someone with Bipolar Disorder; Part 2 | Bipolar Bandit (Michelle Clark)

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