I’ve Been Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. Now what?

If you have recently been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, it could be a relief because you finally know there is a reason why you have been going through the things you have been.  You might have found out because you were admitted to the hospital for either suicidal thoughts, extreme depression, or a manic episode.

It doesn’t really matter too much how you found out, now it’s where do you go from here?

I think the most important thing to do is to let your family and friends know so they can be looking for signs and know what to do if they see them.  How to Help a Friend or Loved One who Has Bipolar Disorder 

Creating an action plan is a great idea. This is where if you or your loved ones recognize signs, it tells you all what to do. You have agreed ahead of time what the plan is so that if you are sick, they can tell you that this is what we agreed to.

Having a good relationship with your psychiatrist is important. Getting on the right medicine is important and you need to be honest with your doctor.  Let them know the side effects and be honest about how you are feeling.

Read as much as you can about the illness.  Here are some of the good sites you can read on the internet:.

National Institute of Mental Health


Depression and Depression Support Alliance 

Possibly go to support groups. NAMI

There are also support groups online.

Start reading threads and starting your own.  The people that know the best sometimes are not your doctors, but the people who are living the illness. I am not saying that they know more than your doctor or that you should not listen to your doctor. I am just saying they have more insight.

If you start getting depressed, start doing things that will hopefully help you from sinking into a deeper hole. Depression Tips by a Person who Suffers from Depression due  to Bipolar Disorder

If you start feeling hypomanic, do things you know need to be done. I would suggest that you let your support group know right away so they can help prevent you from getting manic. 8 Tips If You Feel like You are getting Manic   and Helpful Things You Can Do When you are Manic

I am not going to lie to you, having bipolar disorder sometimes can be really difficult. However, it can be treated.  You are not alone in having bipolar disorder either. Please get involved in a support group online or in person if you need to.   Many famous people have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder too.  Famous People with Bipolar Disorder

3 thoughts on “I’ve Been Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. Now what?

  1. Pingback: Ways to Advocate for the Mentally Ill | Bipolar Bandit

  2. Pingback: Educational Material about Bipolar Disorder for World Bipolar Day | Bipolar Bandit

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