Guest Post: 7 Common Myths About Bipolar Disorder: Busted by Nidhi Thakur

Today every one in five people is diagnosed with a mental illness, including bipolar disorder. For those who still don't know, bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness that's thought to be caused by an imbalance in the way brain cells communicate with each other.  This imbalance causes extreme mood swings that go way beyond … Continue reading Guest Post: 7 Common Myths About Bipolar Disorder: Busted by Nidhi Thakur

Guest Post: 9 Myths about Bipolar Disorder by Kristy

Every time someone casually says something like “Oh I’m so bipolar today” I cringe a little inside. Not because I’m offended, but because I know that so many people have no idea about the reality of bipolar disorder. Here is a list of some of the most common myths I’ve heard. Myths About Bipolar Disorder … Continue reading Guest Post: 9 Myths about Bipolar Disorder by Kristy