Guest Post: Resiliency When Dealing With Bipolar Disorder by Christine

We, the mentally ill, have amazingly strong shock absorbers. An individual needs to be very resilient when dealing with bipolar disorder. Currently, I am experiencing a mixed episode which means I shift back and forth between mania and depression. This can be charted by hours or days. I stay connected to my psychiatrist and therapist … Continue reading Guest Post: Resiliency When Dealing With Bipolar Disorder by Christine

Guest Post: 7 Routines for Bipolar Disorder by Sibple

Building healthy routines is a cornerstone to maintaining stability in bipolar disorder. The right routines can help to reduce episodes of mania and depression. Routines help build structure to your day, reduce stress, and help you to remember things like taking medications on time. Creating new routines is a way to integrate new healthy habits … Continue reading Guest Post: 7 Routines for Bipolar Disorder by Sibple