Guest Post: Resiliency When Dealing With Bipolar Disorder by Christine

We, the mentally ill, have amazingly strong shock absorbers. An individual needs to be very resilient when dealing with bipolar disorder. Currently, I am experiencing a mixed episode which means I shift back and forth between mania and depression. This can be charted by hours or days. I stay connected to my psychiatrist and therapist … Continue reading Guest Post: Resiliency When Dealing With Bipolar Disorder by Christine

Guest Post by Nicole Allen: Living with Bipolar Disorder and Addiction

Living with Bipolar Disorder and Addiction As a kid, he was creative, energetic, and outgoing. As a teen, he got introduced to alcohol and cocaine. As an adult, he moved to Los Angeles to begin work as a writer. Out West, he struggled with his work, binged on cocaine, became addicted to painkillers, and ended up getting … Continue reading Guest Post by Nicole Allen: Living with Bipolar Disorder and Addiction