Dear Parkland Students,

   Pictures Source I have heard your frustrations about the politicians not listening to you in regards to gun control.  I am not going to get into how I feel about gun control.  What I do want to talk about are my frustrations regarding mental health. Many of you have been having your voices heard … Continue reading Dear Parkland Students,

Time Waiting for a Bed: Psychiatric vs. Medical

Recently in my community, a 17 year old foster child was jailed for 3 weeks for a minor offense because there was no one to place her. This is inexcusable.  Article  The problem boils down to placement.  It is not just for this child. It is also for children who live at home, adults and … Continue reading Time Waiting for a Bed: Psychiatric vs. Medical

How the Media is playing a Role in Recent shootings

  The recent Navy yard shooting, Newton, Auroroa , Columbine, Virginia Tech.... I cringe every time I hear that there has been a mass shooting. This is because I anticipate that it won't take long before the media will find out that he person has a mental illness. They could use the opportunity to educate … Continue reading How the Media is playing a Role in Recent shootings